Physiotherapy utilizes a variety of techniques (often working in conjunction with massage and / or chiropractic to provide complete holistic care), to reduce pain, restore function, motion and strength, and address, achieve and maintain a specific state of health and physical well-being. With a focus on both rehabilitation and injury prevention, an education-oriented approach – from comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and hands-on care to the provision of personalized home exercise programs – ensure treatment tailored to fit any lifestyle and personal recovery goal.
Whether suffering from chronic pain, weakness or stiffness due to such injuries or medical conditions as back and neck pain, muscle and joint pain, arthritis, prenatal, post surgery, or sports, motor vehicle, or work injury, a customized physiotherapy treatment and exercise program can achieve relief from pain and discomfort using the following therapeutic techniques:
Manual Therapy / Manipulation
A variety of hands on Techniques that help to restore motion, decrease pain and maintain flexibility in your muscles
Physical Modalities/Theraputic exercises
(i.e. heat, cold, sound, electricity, mechanical forces and light)
An individualized home exercise program tailored to your specific injury that will get you back to a pain free life
Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) / Dry needling
Commonly referred to as IMS, intramuscular stimulation targets chronic pain felt in muscles, tendons, connective tissues and joints tightened and immobilized by damaged, injured or dysfunctional nerves. By inserting needles into tight muscles, a stimulated reflex response helps to relax the muscle, relieve joint pressure, reduce pain and inflammation, and promote healing.
Mastitis Ultrasound
Ultrasound therapy is an effective, evidence-based treatment for obstructed milk ducts in breastfeeding women. We advise booking two sessions within two days, if possible, for optimal effect
Pelvic Health
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy involving internal and external assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures.
Spinal Traction
Performed manually or mechanically, spinal traction is a form of decompression therapy that relieves pressure on the spine in order to treat herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and many other back conditions.
Kinesiology / (Rock)Tape
In the event that activities beyond manipulation are required to specific areas of the body (including the spine, shoulder, foot, elbow and knee), RockTape is often applied to maintain the positive results of treatment while increasing support and tightness to the area for stabilization, relaxation and restorative range of motion.
Sitting for long periods at a desk or hunched over a computer, tablet or phone for hours on end can cause stiff and sore neck and upper back, tight chest, shallow breathing and headaches. Muscle therapy can make a significant difference in reduction of these symptoms, and with proper prescribed exercises and stretches, the relief can be lasting.
Our pelvic physiotherapists are here to work with you to help you better understand and embrace the changes your body faces pre and post-natal.
Tight muscles at the base of the skull, neck, and shoulders, as well as restriction in motion of the neck and upper back vertebrae are common causes of both acute and chronic headaches. Physiotherapy treatment can give major relief.
Most elbow pain occurs at either side of the joint. The inside is often referred to as golfers’ elbow and the outside as tennis elbow. The injury is rarely caused by sport, but by the repetitive strain of the forearm muscles that attach at the sides of the elbow. Manual therapies such as Graston therapy and active release are used to reduce muscle tension, while cold laser can be used to heal the damaged tissue and decrease inflammation.
Arthritis is the wearing of the cartilage in a joint. This causes pain, poor movement and inflammation of the affected areas. Although arthritis cannot be cured, its effects can be slowed. With treatment, range of motion can improve and pain can decrease.
Under Alberta insurance legislation, there exists a period of 10 days from the date of the accident to make an injury claim and be evaluated by a physiotherapist. The reason for this is that it can often take over a week to start to feel neck and back stiffness and pain or headaches. Treating early with physiotherapy care can prevent chronic, long-term problems.
The shoulder and hip are similar in both structure and function. They both have massive ranges of motion compared to other joints in the body, with intricate and sophisticated ligament and muscle networks. When these muscles or ligaments are strained or damaged, range of motion is lost, and pain develops. This condition is aided by active release and Graston therapy, as well as the use of cold laser..
Jaw pain can be caused by clenching of the jaw during sleep, or by poor chewing habits, trauma, or joint dysfunction. The jaw joints are slightly different than other joints in the body in their design, but they can be treated just as effectively by a physiotherapist through Dry Needling and active release therapy.
Ultrasound therapy (non-diagnostic) is an effective, evidence-based treatment for obstructed milk ducts in breastfeeding women. This treatment is booked with one of our female physiotherapists in a private treatment room.
We advise booking two sessions within two days, if possible, for optimal effect.
If you’re experiencing any pelvic floor dysfunction, our team is here to help! Our pelvic floor physiotherapists have undergone specialized certification to assess the pelvic floor and surrounding structures internally and externally. We treat various conditions that can be associated with the pelvic floor.