For all of us, the threat of accidental injury touches a deep nerve. Know however, that in the aftermath of an incident, you never need to face life alone and unadjusted. Our team of highly educated and passionate practitioners will strive to give you hope and guidance in the face of pain and fear; education in the face of uncertainty; and the energy, productivity and relief when faced with limited mobility.
Motor vehicle accidents
Your auto insurance covers you for injuries sustained in a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) under the Alberta Diagnostic Treatment Protocols Regulation. If you have sustained injuries from a car accident in the last 10 days, please call our office at (780) 467-4609 to schedule an assessment or for any further clarification.
Our team will make sure you leave the clinic feeling informed and taken care of. A FAQ sheet will be given at the time of your MVA assessment, and any questions you have will be answered.
Chiropractic, physiotherapy, and massage therapy treatment for minor injuries are billed directly to your injury claim through your vehicle insurance. Make sure you tell our receptionists that you were injured in a car accident prior to receiving treatment to be given the forms to have your treatment costs covered.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team!